Moana is a brave girl who lives on an island, and she sets out on an adventure to find a demigod named Maui, who can save her people from a terrible curse. Along the way, she learns about her ancestors, herself, and the power of the ocean, which helps guide her every step of the way.
A popular fan theory suggests that the ocean itself has always known that Moana is the chosen one, and it’s been gently nudging her all along. What if the ocean had never guided her, and Moana had stayed on the island? Would her people have stayed trapped in their way of life forever?
One key moment is when Moana, having struggled, finally learns to trust her instincts and sails beyond the reef. Imagine if she hadn’t? The island might have stayed in darkness forever.
An alternate ending might see Moana returning home not just as a hero, but as a leader who inspires new voyages. Or, a prequel could explore how her ancestors first set sail and found their home, setting the stage for Moana’s journey to fulfill their legacy.