In Deadpool 2, Wade Wilson, the wise-cracking antihero, is on a mission to protect a young mutant, Russell, from a dangerous villain named Cable. Along the way, Deadpool teams up with the X-Force and faces tough choices that lead to hilarious, yet emotional moments.
A fan theory suggests that Deadpool’s constant jokes and irreverence are his way of coping with deep emotional trauma, especially after losing his true love, Vanessa. What if, instead of making jokes, he had allowed himself to feel his pain more openly? Would he have found a different way to save Russell?
A key moment is when Deadpool dies and is brought back to life by Cable, showing his willingness to sacrifice everything for others, even if it means facing death. This moment also sparks the question: Could Deadpool have stayed dead, and would the movie have had a different tone if he hadn’t returned?
Imagine an alternate ending where Deadpool makes a deal with Cable, going back in time to save Vanessa and changing his future. Or a prequel that explores his earlier adventures, showing how he became the antihero we know today. Deadpool 2 is filled with possibilities!
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