In Thor: Ragnarok, Thor finds himself trapped on a distant planet, fighting in a gladiator arena against none other than the Hulk. He must team up with his mischievous brother Loki, the deadly Valkyrie, and the mighty Hulk to escape and return to Asgard before it’s destroyed by the villainous Hela. It’s a journey filled with humor, action, and surprises!
One key moment is when Thor realizes his true power is not in his hammer but within himself—he becomes the God of Thunder, more powerful than ever before. This moment is both emotional and empowering, showing that sometimes our strength comes from within, not from what we hold in our hands.
Some fans have theories about the cosmic mysteries surrounding Hela, like how she came to power and why she was so tied to Asgard’s past. What if there were more stories about her rise to power or the origin of her bond with Odin? What if Thor had to face even greater cosmic threats that made him question his identity as a god?
A prequel exploring Valkyrie’s history could be an exciting adventure, or perhaps a sequel focusing on Thor’s leadership of the remaining Asgardians after the destruction of their home.