In The Tale of The Princess Kaguya, a tiny, glowing princess is found inside a bamboo stalk. As she grows into a beautiful young woman, her life unfolds with both wonder and sadness. Raised by a kind bamboo cutter and his wife, Kaguya must face the challenges of royal life when suitors arrive, all while yearning for freedom.
One of the most magical moments is when Kaguya’s heart breaks as she is taken away to the palace, away from her loving parents. Her connection to nature is severed, and she struggles with the burden of royalty.
Fan theories suggest that Kaguya could represent the moon itself, always distant and unreachable. Some believe that her return to the moon at the end of the film symbolizes the separation between heaven and earth, reminding us that beauty and purity can sometimes be fleeting.
What if Kaguya had stayed with the bamboo cutter’s family instead of ascending to the moon? Would she have lived a life of freedom? Unresolved mysteries include the origin of the mysterious bamboo stalk and why Kaguya’s fate was sealed from the start. An alternate ending could show Kaguya choosing a life on earth, finding happiness in her human connections, not as a princess, but as a woman.