In Superbad, two high school friends, Seth and Evan, are determined to get alcohol for a party in hopes of impressing their crushes before graduation. Their misadventures, full of awkward moments and funny situations, highlight their deep friendship and their journey to adulthood.
A fan theory suggests that Seth and Evan’s crazy night could actually be a metaphor for their fears about growing up and leaving high school behind. What if the party wasn’t about impressing others, but really about them trying to find a way to stay close despite their changing lives?
A key moment in the film is when Seth tries to impress his crush by pretending to be someone he’s not, but in the end, he learns the importance of just being himself. What if Seth had stopped pretending earlier? Would he have been able to connect with his crush more honestly?
An alternate ending could have seen the night ending differently, with Seth and Evan not getting the alcohol, but still having a deep, meaningful conversation about their futures. A prequel exploring their friendship growing up could offer more insights into their bond. Superbad is a story about growing up, with endless “what ifs” about what happens next.