In The Gentlemen, a clever and witty film, Mickey Pearson, an American who moved to the UK, runs a marijuana empire. When he decides to sell his business, the move sparks a wild series of events involving blackmail, betrayal, and clever schemes. As Mickey tries to get out, everyone in the criminal world wants a piece of his empire.
A fan theory suggests that Mickey never actually wanted to retire but was planning a bigger heist all along. What if Mickey had decided to expand his empire instead of selling it? Would he have taken over the entire criminal underworld, and would his plans have succeeded or fallen apart?
One of the key moments in the film is when Mickey’s business is threatened by a dangerous deal gone wrong, leading to a surprising twist.
An unresolved mystery is how Mickey managed to keep his criminal empire under wraps for so long. Imagine an alternate ending where Mickey’s empire falls into the hands of his trusted ally, Raymond, and Raymond starts his own criminal dynasty. Or a prequel showing Mickey’s rise to power in the dangerous world of UK’s criminal underworld!