In Like Stars on Earth, there’s a young boy named Ishaan who struggles in school. He can’t read or write like the other kids, and everyone thinks he’s just lazy. But his new teacher, Ram Shankar Nikumbh, notices that Ishaan is special in his own way. With patience, love, and understanding, he helps Ishaan discover his true talent and the reason he’s different: he has dyslexia.
A key moment happens when Ishaan is finally able to read and express himself, showing the power of kindness and support. The movie shows us that sometimes, the problem isn’t the child but the way we try to fit them into a box.
Fan theories suggest that Nikumbh’s role in Ishaan’s life is more than just teaching—he’s a guiding star who helps others discover their own potential. What if other kids, like Ishaan, had someone who understood them? Would they also shine like stars?
Imagine a prequel where we see Nikumbh as a child, struggling with learning difficulties and later becoming the teacher he is. Or perhaps an alternate ending where Ishaan grows up to become a teacher himself, helping others the way Nikumbh helped him.